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- Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°4 2015)
Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°4 2015)
Les derniers appels à partenariats du mois.
- Projet : Last minute call for participants International Contact Making Event : « We will come together III: Disadvantaged youngsters in European youth projects »
- Coordinateur : European Youth Education and Meeting Centre Weimar EJBW (GERMANY)
- Date : 19th June – 25th June 2015
- Partenaire recherché : People working with youth with fewer opportunities (as living groups, institutions active in daily care for youth with difficulties, projects working with fixed groups, similar institutions) and interested in implementing international mobility projects for socially and individually disadvantaged youngsters within Erasmus+/Youth
- Description : The Contact-Making-Event aims at supporting organisations from program countries from EU28 and beyond who are working on a daily basis with the target group « youth with fewer opportunities » in implementing international mobility projects for socially and individually disadvantaged youngsters within Erasmus+/Youth. The participants of the Contact-Making Event are experts who are working in specific institutions (as living groups, institutions active in daily care for youth with difficulties. Role-plays, simulations, exercises, group works and discussion rounds are connected with theoretical inputs in order to achieve the biggest possible learning experience. In a middle- and long term perspective cooperation for the time frame 2016 – 2018 in the frame of Erasmus+/Youth are foreseen, as Youth Exchanges, EVS, mobilities for experts (as Training Courses, Study Visits, Jobshadowing, development of strategic partnerships). Accommodation and board included. No participation fee. Travel costs are reimbursed up to 275,00 EUR per person.
- Contact: Anna Kunze und Sarah Zdun / international@stiftunghaar.de
- Projet : « PBA Make the Move II » : Partnership-building Activity
- Coordinateur : NA Belgium-FR (National Agency)
- Date : 6-11 October 2015, Vila da Marmeleira, Portugal
- Partenaire recherché : Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Young people representing informal groups
- Description / Objectifs : To create an opportunity to find good and reliable partners to make youth exchanges with, to understand what is needed to plan a youth exchange of good qualityn, to create a solid networks of contacts and partnerships, to equip the youth workers with insight in their role as coach and support, to experience the possibilities of local involvement, to understand the impact and social change a youth exchange can have within the local community. More information here.
- Contact : thierry.dufour@cfwb.be
- Projet : Training course APPETISER – An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work
- Coordinateur : Youth in Action NA in Croatia
- Date : 24-28 November 2015
- Partenaire recherché : Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers
- Description : Appetiser aimes to give a strong positive first experience of international youth work and motivate participants to use Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme, giving a feeling of what it means to work with young people in an international setting. More information here.
- Contact : sandra.miladin@mobilnost.hr
- Projet : « CREATIVE LAB – Creative workshops for young communicators: territories relive through digitization », within the framework of one of the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (Alcotra, Alpine Space, Med).
- Coordinateur : COLLISIONI FESTIVAL, www.collisioni.it
- Partenaire recherché : Associations, collectivités…
- Description/Objectifs :
1. Exploiting the development potential of creative industries, making them more competitive and more linked to the territory;
2. Give new life to the artistic and rural heritage through an innovative use of visual arts;
3. Promoting the exchange and the professional development of communicators, creating a cross-border collaboration between different actors of the creative and cultural industries - Contact : Mr. Fabrizio Massimelli / Mrs. Francesca La Greca
segreteria@vassallo-delfino.it / www.vassallo-delfino.it / www.collisioni.it
- Projet : « YEPPIES We Are Sport (Young European People in the Sport) » Erasmus+
- Coordinateur : UNIVERSITY TURIN
- Date : 01-01-2016 – 31-12-2016
- Partenaire recherché : Volunteer associations, associations and sports federations, student associations, youth associations, universities, local bodies, public or private entities in general that provide services for young people and / or students or working in the field of youth. Role of partners : identification and recruitment of a group of about 50-70 young people who are
interested in attending the events as athletes, workshops or both, organization and management of the trip, communication and information, coordination of the group during the event and restitution of the experience looking to drafting the final report - Description / objectif : to promote the European dimension in sport and its values, following the political strategies of the EU.
The project aims to improve the life quality, health and environment; to promote the social aspect of sports;
to promote training, mobility and employment; to strengthen cooperation between the EU countries. It is planned to organize a nonprofit sports event and programs of workshops and contemporary activities. - Contact: UNIVERSITY TURIN / Mr Ferdinando Cabrini ferdinando.cabrini@gmail.com
Vous êtes travailleur de jeunesse, salarié ou bénévole et voulez gagner une expérience à l’international et acquérir des nouvelles compétences linguistiques, interculturelles et professionnelles ? Le réseau Salto-Youth récapitule pour vous les opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi que un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens.
Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 09/06/2015
Mots clés : call for partners, erasmus+, juin