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- Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°34 2018)
Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°34 2018)
Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…
- Projet : visite d’étude :« Creative use of digital technologies in Estonian schools » – avril 2019, Estonie
- Coordinateur : Agence Erasmus+ France Education Formation
- Date du projet : Avril 2019
- Description/objectif : La visite portera sur l’utilisation créative des TIC dans le secteur de l’éducation scolaire estonienne. Cette visite sera organisée sous la forme d’un forum ouvert pour la mise en réseau et le partage d’expériences, de points de vue et d’aspirations concernant les applications des TIC à tous les stades et dans tous les secteurs de l’éducation scolaire en Europe. Des visites seront organisées dans plusieurs écoles et établissements s’appuyant sur les TIC, avec la possibilité d’assister à des leçons et participer à des discussions communes.
- Contact : contact.tca@agence-erasmus.fr
- Plus d’information : http://www.agence-erasmus.fr/page/TCA
- Projet : Séminaire de contact :« Erasmus+ students as intercultural ambassadors – Strengthening European values through cross-sectoral initiatives », Allemagne (Cologne).
- Coordinateur : Le Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (agence Erasmus+ allemande pour le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur)
- Partenaire recherché : ce séminaire de contact s’adresse aux professionnels de l’enseignement supérieur et de l’enseignement scolaire, désireux de déposer de futurs projets sur ce sujet.
- Date du projet : début avril 2019
- Description/objectif : Inciter différentes institutions comme les structures d’accompagnement d’étudiants et d’élèves, les réseaux jeunesses et les acteurs du milieu à multiplier les initiatives trans-sectorielles qui promeuvent les valeurs européennes. Le but est également d’encourager ces acteurs à trouver des synergies entre les programmes existants, de valoriser les échanges et d’accroitre l’impact. Enfin, le séminaire aura pour but de promouvoir l’intégration de telles initiatives dans le nouveau programme d’échanges européens post 2020.
- Contact : contact.tca@agence-erasmus.fr
- Projet : Gaming and Non formal Education,Training and Networking
- Coordinateur : Intercollege, a social enterprise based in Denmark, UK and Norway.
- Partenaire recherché : The target group for these activities are youth workers from programme countries, who actively work with young people and could utilize the results of the project in their everyday work.
- Date du projet : 2019-05-01 till 2020-05-01
- Date limite : 2019-01-14
- Description/objectif : To engage more young people in non-formal learning with the help of video games : to help youth leaders understand the world of games better, to help fight the stereotypes regarding games, to provide youth leaders with tools to engage young people through games, to provide youth leaders with a platform to discuss their experiences and best practices regarding gaming and young people, to facilitate the creation of a guideline on engaging young people through video games and foster non-formal learning.
Two main activities in Denmark will be organised : 1. 9-day (including 2 travel days) seminar (expected date: 01/11/2019 – 09/11/2019) and 9-day (including 2 travel days) training course (expected date: 04/02/2020 – 12/02/2020) - Contact :Daniel Shillcock / daniel@intercollege.info
- Plus d’information : https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/otlas-partner-finding/project/gaming-and-non-formal-education.10447/
- Projet : Communication, Interculturalism and Social Inclusion (CISI), Training and Networking
- Coordinateur : AR Vocational and Investment Solutions – ARVIS, Romania
- Partenaire recherché : We need reliable partners able to send us 3 youth workers willing to attend all the course activities and to assure the dissemination of the project and organise at home activities similar to the ones experienced during the course.
- Date du projet : the 8 days course will be run at Manastirea Humorului, Suceava county, Romania, at the end of August 2019.
- Date limite : 2019-01-15
- Description/objectif : Its aim is to develop the participants’ competences in order to support the youngsters’ communication and intercultural abilities as a support for social inclusion and generally for their better quality of life.
- Contact : Anca Vieriu / arvissolutions@yahoo.com
- Projet :Erasmus+ Engage, Organize & Unite – International cooperation for development of youth participation in the local community
- Coordinateur : European Youth Centre of Vojvodina, Serbia
- Partenaire recherché : In this project we are inviting youth workers, youth leaders, NGO activists, representatives of student organizations and all others that have the opportunity to approach young people who are not members of any NGO or a political party, due to being marginalized by being from remote or rural areas, urban problem zones or in peripheral regions or belonging to a national or ethnic minority.
- Date du projet : from 2019-10-20 till 2020-10-20
- Date limite : 2019-01-10
- Description/objectif : The main idea of this project is to empower geographically and socially marginalized young people through seminars, workshops and info sessions, about ways to get active and become involved in social and political activism.Our project is targeting minorities and people from remote and rural areas, offering them an opportunity to stay in these areas, to take part in already existing organizations and create new ones, and in that way contribute to community development, acquiring in the process essential entrepreneurial and other soft skills and gaining knowledge that will put them higher on the employability ladder.
- Contact : Dalibor Petrovic / eoc.vojvodine@gmail.com
- Plus d’information : https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/otlas-partner-finding/project/erasmus-engage-organize-unite-international-cooperation-for-development-of-youth-participation-in-the-local-community.10442/
- Projet : Young people and Youth workers thinking together, Capacity Building projet
- Coordinateur : Asociacicón Juvenil INTEGRA- Voluntariado joven, spanish youth organization that aims to develop processes of active citizenship and encourage participation among young people.
- Partenaire recherché : We are looking for an European entity who is active in the field of Youth working for improve the youth associationism in their communities.
- Date du projet : The project will last 24 months. It will begin on December, 2019 and end on November 30, 2021.
- Date limite : 2019-01-24
- Description/objectif : The project consists of sharing the experience and the 4 partners, so that, through the learning of the organization, the training of youth workers in the field of youth and the exchange of good practices, looking for points in common, on the reality of the youth in Europa and Latin America and inside the organizations that work in youth. As a conclusion, we will build a common methodology and non-formal learning tools (activities, workshops, methodologies, etc.) adapted to different cultural contexts.
- Contact : Lucía Rincón / proyectosue.cierzo@gmail.com
- Plus d’information : https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/otlas-partner-finding/project/young-people-and-youth-workers-thinking-together.10371/
- Projet : Youth Eco-Entrepreneurship, Youth Exchanges
- Coordinateur : « GREEN » Association, on-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation based in Bulgaria
- Partenaire recherché : Active young people, youth workers, volunteers, project coordinators and NGO representatives aged between 18 and 29 years old from the Programs countries, availability to take part in every aspect of the exchange, medium level of English 5 young participants aged 18 – 29 + 1 leader per organization (no age limit of the leader)
- Date du projet : 17.09.2019 – 24.09.2019 (8 working days)
- Date limite : 2019-01-25
- Description/objectif : Youth Eco-Entrepreneurship is aimed at giving young people the encouragement, experience and skills to contribute to a green economy. Youth unemployment may be one of the world’s most pressing concern but climate change is not far behind – unusual weather patterns, increased floods, stronger heat waves and other disasters are already affecting the health, economies and agriculture of populations everywhere. Youth unemployment and climate change may seem like very different problems, but they have a mutually beneficial solution.The EU’s development policy promotes the transformation towards an inclusive green economy that generates growth, creates jobs and helps reduce poverty through sustainable management of natural capital.The focus of the youth exchange will be on building strong environmental, business, communications and leadership skills among youth through theoretical and hands-on-training throughout urban and rural areas and providing replication platform for other countries by developing an online training program.
- Contact : N. Petrov /green.association@abv.bg
- Plus d’information : https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/otlas-partner-finding/project/youth-eco-entrepreneurship.10405/
A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.
Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 07/01/2019