Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°30 2018)

Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°30 2018)

Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…


  • Projet : Language assistants at a school in Denmark (for 3 – 6 months in the schoolyear 2018 – 19)
  • Coordinateur :Helsingoer Gymnasium in Denmark
  • Partenaire recherché : students/recent graduates who want to be language assistants at our school for 3 – 6 months in the schoolyear 2018 – 19.
    We are looking for candidates with French as mothertongue and who want to try to teach French as a foreign language.
  • Date du projet : School year 2018 – 2019
  • Description/objectif :You will be teaching about 10 lessons a week. You will support the responsible teachers by teaching smaller groups, in teamteaching and by presenting different subjects. If possible, and if you want to, you will be staying in the International People’s College (IPC), which is about 5 minutes walk from the school. Our school is famous for its good atmosphere and very nice students.  Helsingoer is a city of 35000 inhabitants, the center of the city is beautiful and old, and it is situated right at the Baltic Sea.
  • Contact : Ole Jelby / International Coordinator


  • Projet : Searching for a KA2 project and partners for our own KA2 project
  • Coordinateur :The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture – City of Women promotes women in culture, arts and theory through diverse activities presenting and producing art works, performances, art projects, workshops, conferences and publications by women authors. The main endeavour of the Association is the organization of the annual International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women (Slovenia)
  • Partenaire recherché : We are looking for partners that are working in the field of feminist theory -or pedagogy, that are engaged with combating gender based violence or/and are active in the artistic field, schools and education institutes
  • Description/objectif : We would like join as a partner in a KA2 “Capacity building in the field of youth” project, focusing on the above listed issues. Our primary target groups are teachers and youth aged between 14 and 19. We are interested in leraning more on how to bring topics of gender equality and gender based violence to the daily agenda and curriculum of educational system in Slovenia. Furthermore we would like to submit our own application for a KA2 “Strategic Partnership” project and we are therefore looking for partners that work in the field of feminist theory -or pedagogy, that are engaged with combating gender based violence or/and are active in the artistic field. In the project we want to work on the topic of gender based violence in cooperation with artists and schools on an international level, sharing exsisting practices and developing new models and teaching tools. We would also like to include youth in the project through workshops and exchange/mobility.
  • Contact :Urška Jež,


  • Projet :World War I projet
  • Coordinateur : Business academy in Detva (age 15 – 19),  Slovakia
  • Date du projet : It is only a small project with the duration from September to November 2018, but it maybe can start further cooperation between schools.
  • Partenaire recherché : We are looking for a French school which will have interest to cooperate with us
  • Description/objectif :Our Ministry of education announced a call « The World War I and the personality of General M. Štefánik ».
    The main topics are: Remembering the latest battles of World War I, the end of World War I and the signature of the ceasefire, formation of peace and consequences of World War I, renovation after 1918, World War I and the formation of Czechoslovakia…
    « I was already thinking about possible activities:
    – to prepare traveling exhibition about the message of the WWI
    – online quizzes and games
    – common competition for our students
    – preparing interesting educational materials which we can share with other schools in etwinning
    – to find parallels between the WWI and the present
    – to prepare a common FB group for people interesting for these topics
    – to prepare a proposal of educational trips “In the footsteps of the First World War” in both countries
    – to reach out to other generations – to organize workshops for children in primary schools or discussions with pensioners
    – and if call allows it, to invite some your teachers+students to visit important places in Slovakia connected with Milan Rastislav Stefanik, who was Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of France… »
  • Contact :


  • Projet : Erasmus+ KA2 « Culture (local festivities, gastronomy, dances, legends, etc.) »
  • Coordinateur : EOI de Banyoles, Spain
  • Partenaire recherché : We would be interested in a 2-year project involving 4-5 different countries with the possibility of a physical exchange, English being the language used for communication.
  • Description/objectif : Our school is a state language school where students can learn English (A1 to C1) and French (A1 to B1). The students can range from 16 to 60 years old, although most of them are in their 20s – 30s. Our school is interested in joining a European Project (KA2) in 2019 on Culture (different local festivities, food, dances, legends, picturesque villages, etc.).
  • Contact :



A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.

Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 04/06/2018