Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°25 2017)

Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°25 2017)

Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…


  • Projet : KA3 project to create a youth forum focussing on decision making for a sustainable society, Erasmus+ youth exchange
  • Coordinateur : Associazione InCo, an NGO based in Trento and Bari, Italy
  • Partenaire recherché :
    – has experience in democracy issues and encouraging participation of youngsters
    – has already organised a youth forum
    – is committed to send 3 participants (youngsters or young desicion-makers) for the final conference
  • Date du projet : running from 01/5/2017 to 01/05/2019
  • Description/objectifs : The project aims to increase the participation of youngsters in the democratic life of the community and urge policy makers to better approach the youngsters’ needs, as well as to raise awareness on European issues. This will be done through the creation of a student forum and the creation of guidelines for decision makers.
  • Contact : Luigi Balacco,, +393286762929



  • Projet : A secure EU youth – undermining youth insecurity by diversity, Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
  • Coordinateur : Muncipality of Helsingborg/Arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen – labour market committee in Helsingborg, Sweden which addresses social security and education assistance.
  • Partenaire recherché : capable of fulfilling the mission to compare negative feelings and the influence of these feelings on the daily life of young people. The partner would aid in the comparison with other groups of young europeans, finding cross-border similarities to be brought to the attention of politicians.
  • Date du projet : 01/08/2017 to 28/03/2018
  • Date limite : 01/03/2018
  • Description/objectif : A secure EU youth targets young people’s feelings of insecurity that are reported ever-present by the media. We want to undermine this by fostering curiosity and creating positive relations, gained by sharing the diversity that exists amongst nationalities and cultures. The ideal format for this would be workshops on different topics such as food, holidays, national hymns and texts, marriages, work, sports etc.
  • Contact : Cecilia Nilsson,, 0046 42 10 45 91



  • Projet : Youth-workers mobility projects; training courses, seminars
  • Coordinateur : Jugend ohne Grenzen e.V. (Youth Without Borders), based in Hamburg, Germany
  • Partenaire recherché: An international partner/ partners to organise a knowledge exchange of qualified experts.
  • Date du projet : not specified/ongoing
  • Description/objectif : Our mission is to guide and support talented people in voluntary youth work. Our participants are mostly coaches and trainers in a variety of fields like sport, music, church, social & ecological work.
  • Contact : Alica Levenhagen, , +49 40 43 31 90



  • Projet : « MempTrip towards a European Identity » youth exchange
  • Coordinateur : Vedogiovane social cooperative
  • Partenaire recherché : French partner as a sending organisation
  • Date du projet : 13/12/2017 to 22/12/2017
  • Date limite : ASAP
  • Description/objectif : The exchange « Memotrip towards a European Identity » will involve 24 young people (7 per nationality aged 17-20) from Italy, Belgium, Poland and France to work together for 10 days, sharing debates, confrontations, and to retell history and re-create memories. Participants will reflect on the use of art (video theatre and storytelling) to value history as a powerful tool to overcome the versions of the history that divide, bring into opposition and spread xenophobia. Participants will create a video to be presented to the local community.
  • Contact : Francesca Bellomo,


A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.

Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 06/11/2017
Mots clés : call for partners, erasmus+