Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°24 2017)

Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°24 2017)

Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…

  • Projet :  Interreg Europe Programme « EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR THE PROMOTION OF CYCLE TOURISM IN NATURAL AREAS – ECO – CYCLE (Improve the Implementation of Regional Development Policies and Programmes) »
  • Coordinateur : The County Council of Huelva in Andalousia, Spain
  • Partenaire recherché : Partners from the 28 Members States
  • Date du projet : The total duration of the project will be 5 years, 3 the first phase and two the second.
  • Description / Objectifs : The main objective of the project is going to improve local and regional policies related to tourism development cycle natural areas.The project will consist of two phases, the first dedicated to the exchange of experience among project partners and preparing the implementation of the lessons learnt from the cooperation (actions such as the creation of an European Network of Cooperation for the Promotion of Cycle Tourism in Natural Areas, the definition of a common methodology for the preparation of action plans and the production of actions plans by each partner) and a second phase, monitoring of the implementation of action plans with Pilot Actions.
  • Contact : Vicente Ríos Pérez /


  • Projet : Two Erasmus+ youth exchange projects: one associated with wine culture and another related to ecotourism in national parks.
  • Coordinateur :  Mancomunidad de Desarrollo Condado de Huelva, a supramunicipal entity which is formed by 15 towns in the province of Huelva (Andalusia, Spain)
  • Partenaire recherché : We are looking for partners that have characteristics similar to ours, in other words, people who live in territories with a rooted wine culture or that coexist with national parks from: France, Italy, Germany Austria, Portugal or Sweden entities.
  • Description / Objectifs : The goal is to sensitize young people so they can develop their lives in their rural territories and they become aware of the possibilities that their environment offers.
  • Contact : Ángela Olaya Camacho / /


  • Projet : The Magic of collective creative processes, 5-day KA1 mobility for 30 youth workers
  • Coordinateur : VVI Foundation, in Velingrad (SPA resort town in Bulgaria)
  • Partenaire recherché : We need two more partners from eligible Erasmus+ countries (excluding the above listed) that could contribute to the project’s content and quality by offering a collaborative creative workshop that is in line with the focus of our project (mostly visual arts and applied crafts).
  • Date du projet : 5-day from 2018-02 till 2018-04
  • Description / Objectifs : The project will explore (via a series of creative workshops) different forms of collective art-making and will discuss the group art-processes’ salutary effects on the individuals and groups (both vulnerable and mainstream) participating in them. The project participants will experience oil finger painting, working with wool, bread-making, and decoupage – presented by the Bulgarian leading organization.
  • Contact : Stanimir Kiskinov /


  • Projet : Rainbow tribe – LGBT inclusion Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
  • Coordinateur : Youth4Youth, a Youth organisation based in Italy (Cuneo and Dumenza)
  • Partenaire recherché : Young people aged 16-22, LGBT or just interested in developing a new concept of life more open to other people. 6 participants +1 leader per country
  • Date du projet : from 2017-12-01 till 2018-12-31
  • Description / Objectifs : To foster dialogue and openness of young people on the LGBT topic and gender discrimination.
  • Contact : Monica MANO /
    Partner form :


  • Projet : Participatory photography for intercultural learning, Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
  • Coordinateur : FCASEC Youth association in Romania (Ramnicu Valcea)
  • Partenaire recherché : Young people between 17-23 years old
  • Date du projet : from 2017-05-08 till 2018-05-20
  • Description / Objectifs : During the proposed youth exchange 60 young people and youth leaders will learn what participatory photography method is and how it can be used as a powerful tool for intercultural dialogue. This project will give the participants the possibility to explore the methodology through a set of various workshops and interactive exercises. The exchange will also provide them with a space for debating and exploring the concept of Intercultural Dialogue and its challenges. The participants will have a better understanding of method and all the necessary tools that, after returning to their respective communities, will enable them create projects that are based on will help them giving a voice to the minority groups they work with.
  • Contact :  Soare Catalin /


A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.

Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 18/08/2017
Mots clés : call for partners, erasmus+