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- Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°23 2017)
Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°23 2017)
Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…
- Projet : Interreg Europe Programme called EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR THE PROMOTION OF CYCLE TOURISM IN NATURAL AREAS – ECO – CYCLE. Priority Axis 4, Investment Priority C and Specific Objective 4.1 (Improve the Implementation of Regional Development Policies and Programmes).
- Coordinateur : the County Council of Huelva in Andalousia, Spain
- Partenaire recherché : the eligible Interreg Europe cooperation area covers the whole territory of the European Union with its 28 Member States.
- Date du projet : the total duration of the project will be 5 years, 3 the first phase and two the second.
- Description / Objectifs : the main objective of the project is going to improve local and regional policies related to tourism development cycle natural areas. The project will consist of two phases, the first dedicated to the exchange of experience among project partners and preparing the implementation of the lessons learnt from the cooperation (actions such as the creation of an European Network of Cooperation for the Promotion of Cycle Tourism in Natural Areas, the definition of a common methodology for the preparation of action plans and the production of actions plans by each partner) and a second phase, monitoring of the implementation of action plans with Pilot Actions. The budget project will be around 2 ME (85% ERDF).
- Contact : Vicente Ríos Pérez / Mail: vrios@diphuelva.org
- Projet : Social media and other stuff – Youth Exchange
- Coordinateur : Municipality of Kirkkonummi, Youth Services, Masala youthhouse, Finlande
- Partenaire recherché : looking for a partner to start planning the youth exchange together and apply on october 2017. We are looking for a reliable partner group with same aged, social and fun having young people.
- Date du projet : the project would be carried out in 2018 in Finland and in the partner country.
- Description / Objectifs : we are a group of ten 13-15 years old boys and girls (6 girls and 4 boys) from Finland (Kirkkonummi, Masala). Kirkkonummi is a town half an hour drive from Helsinki.
We are interested different countries and their languages and cultures. Our hobbies are boxing, riding, taekwondo, hanging out with our friends, floorball, arts, playing piano, choir and showdance. In Masala youth-house we like to play basketball, floorball and different kinds of games, play pool, tabletennis and hanging out with our friends. In our project we would like to focus on themes like bullying, troubles of teenage and how some people like to get too much attention trough social media. We are also interested in how social media affects young people lives so much these days. We want to share ideas of how to deal more critically with the news of terrorism and other current topics in Europe. We very much like to get to know the young people in the other country. We want to discuss about the subjects we’re interested in. We’re interested to learn how their lives are different from ours. We want to get to know to the country and its culture. - Contact : martta-liisa.kosonen@kirkkonummi.fi and joni.laine@kirkkonummi.fi .
- Projet : KA2 – Strategic Partnership for Youth – Exchange of Good Practices. Romania
Non-profit organization in Bucuresti, Romania - Partenaire recherché : Government institution; Higher education; Non-profit organization; School/Training center
- Date du projet : 01.09.2017 to 31.08.2020
- Description / Objectifs :World Vision Romania Foundation will be the main applicant, our mail target group are children and youths. From Romania we are working with 2 schools from rural areas: Secondary School, Todirecti, Vaslui county and Secondary School, Draxeni, also Vaslui county, as partners.
The intervention we are thinking about has the following objectives:
– Identifying and analyzing the socio-economic vulnerabilities that youth from rural areas encounter in their attempts to head towards an occupation or a career, and development of strategies to minimize their impact;
– Capacity building of the target group composed of teachers and youth workers for the acquisition of communication skills, in order to provide vocational counseling of young people, especially those in rural areas facing geographical or economic obstacles;
– Developing entrepreneurial skills among the target group by identifying and analyzing models of good practice in social and rural entrepreneurship.
– Capacity building for the partner organizations, in order to implement the concept of exercise firms, in the activity carried out with the youths. - Contact : 0040 728 176 484 or florentina_puiu@wvi.org
- Projet : Breaking the borders of education, KA2 – Strategic Partnership
- Coordinateur : 3rd Primary school of Eleftherio-Kordelio, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Partenaire recherché : other European schools
- Date du projet : 01.10.2017 to 30.06.2019
- Description / Objectifs : the 240 students of our school are between 6 to 12 years old and attend English classes 3 times a week, plus French or Germany twice a week.In our school the students come from different ethnic groups with different cultural background. There are pupils with special educational needs pupils-foreigners and immigrants. The multiple every day challenges, the evolution of technology, the change in students’ interests and needs, create obstacles and teachers feel unable to bridge the education gap between different cultures and counties. Our aim is to have a fruitful discussion with other European schools facing the same difficulties, trying to find solutions to these challenges, by exchanging knowledge, experiences, strategies, techniques and innovative practices. We almost prepare a project about this issue and we are looking for partners.
- Contact : 0040 728 176 484 / florentina_puiu@wvi.org
- Projet : Youth meeting in Lithuania under the Europe for Citizens programme
- Coordinateur : Ideas of wellness, a non-profit/non-Governmental Organisation, in Lithuania (Marijampole)
- Date du projet :from 2017-06-18 till 2017-06-22
- Description / Objectifs :Project « Developing Our Good Vibes » includes participants from 8 different countries to talk and discuss topics of conflict management, tolerance and propaganda. All these topics are going to be discussed in a 5-day conference in Lithuania. The project will provide citizens the opportunity and foundation to interact and participate in events that will be tailored to share best practices and experiences on the main topics of the project. By doing so the project will also aim to foster a strong sense of European identity and enhance mutual understanding between existing members and our new European members. Programme in PDF.
- Contact : Šarūnė Petrošiūtė / sarune.petrosiute@gmail.com
A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.
Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 29/05/2017
Mots clés : call for partners