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- Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°13 2016)
Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°13 2016)
Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…
- Projet : The international workshops AoF
- Coordinateur : Social Innovation Workshop, an NGO based in Poland, Krakow and K.Adenauer Foundation Poland
- Date du projet : 29.06-03.07.2016
- Date limite : 08.06.2016
- Partenaire recherché : 20 motivated young people
- Description / Objectifs : Our mission is to develop the skills of future leaders of civic societies. We want to recruit 20 persons – mainly foreigners. The workshops will last 5 days, in Krakow. We cover accomodation; the participation fee is 20 euros+ travel costs. The workshops will be dedicated to improving level of intercultural dialogue, non-violent communication and problem solving of political and social problems. This year we are organising 4th edition. More information and application form on: http://aofe2016.org
- Contact : jagoda.komusińska@warsztat.org.pl
- Projet : Tourism and culture (Capacity building)
- Coordinateur : Accademia, an educational organisation based in Italy (Salerno)
- Date du projet : from 2016 till 2017
- Date limite : 2016-06-14
- Partenaire recherché : We are looking for : – local development centers; – PMI in the field of tourism; – municipalities and regions.
- Description / Objectifs : The project has as topic the tourism and development of the territories. It provides the acquisition of new skills in the field of marketing , culture and many laboratory activities. The activities consist in a training course and youth event, but there will be also workshops.
- Contact : Marta Resia / E-mail: accademiaprogetti@libero.it
- Projet : European protected areas and youth volunteers (Youth Exchanges, Training and Networking, Capacity Building)
- Coordinateur : The Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development (BMA) is an associative body of the communities in the Brasov Metropolitan Area, in Romania
- Date du projet : from 2017-01-01 till 2018-12-31
- Date limite : 2016-06-13
- Partenaire recherché : Target group: Young people between 14 to 19 years. Partners requested: Custodians of protected areas, manager of National Parks, Youth organizations, schools…
Key action supports: Capacity-building projects supporting cooperation with Programme Countries and Partner Countries (region 5-13) in the fields of youth. Problem addressed: Consolidation cooperation with partners from other countries, in the areas of education, training and youth and / or other socio-economic sectors; Educating youth in the spirit of volunteering to protect the environment sustainable development component
The objective: Promote transnational non-formal learning mobility between Programme and Partner Countries, especially targeting young people (with fewer opportunities) with a view to improving participants’ level of competences and fostering their active participation in society. - Contact : Alina Suciu / E-mail: alina.suciu@metropolabrasov.ro
- Projet : Reporting my future profession
- Coordinateur : Zespół Szkolno Gimnazjalny w Słowiku (eTwinning verified), Słowik, Poland
- Partenaire recherché : Schools with students up to 17 years
- Description / Objectifs : Reporting my future profession » is to increase the awareness among young students about the possible choice of their future occupation. Journalism will be the tool to reach this target and a chance to improve the competence in media skills. Interviews with employees, businessmen, craftsmen , free-lancers etc. and film reports on their everyday work will not only contribute to making the right decision about the student’s future career but also develop the basic workshop of a journalist. The project is addressed to students aged 13 – 16 and it involves the youth exchange among the partners. The partnerships built within the project will bring us a number of extra values. Apart from understanding the cultural differences and advancing the communication skills, our enterprise will give all the participants fresh energy to work on self-improvement and creativity.
- Contact: http://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/opportunities/partnerships/detail.cfm?id=4167
A noter, le réseau Salto-Youth, vous propose une base de donnés d’opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens. Pour le milieu éducatif, School Education Gateway recense des opportunités et des appel à partenaires spécialisées.
Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 31/05/2016
Mots clés : call for partnerts