Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°12 2016)

Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°12 2016)

Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…

  • Projet : ERASMUS+ « SPORT – Small Collaborative Partnerships » :  « iSport – inclusion’s Sport”
  • Coordinateur : AL Eurodesk – Progetto Giovani Valdagno
  • Date du projet : autumn of 2016 to spring 2017
  • Partenaire recherché : We are looking for partners (NGOs, public bodies, sport clubs and all organisations representing the ‘sport for all’ movement), dealing with sport and/or disability from EU countries.
  • Description / Objectifs : The overall aim of this project is to develop a melting pot of experiences between foreign and local organization that will create a path of awareness about the promotion of sport as a tool for participation,  integration and inclusion. The local network of the applicant, which includes some bodies from the third sector (i.e. social cooperatives and associations ) and some institutional partners (i.e. schools, sports ministry, etc …),  has worked in the last 6 month to adjust some common sports (Basketball, Bowling, etc. . ) into new arrangement, that could be useful to involve in this activities either disabled athlete and in-able ones, at the same time.
  • The project activities will be implemented into two main phases: a training course (autumn of 2016, Italy) and a practice tournament (spring 2017 – country to be defined).
  • Contact : / In the subject of the e-mail please write: « iSport »


  • Projet : Cultural cooperation with Third Countries :
    “From Marble to Digital, the Evolution in the Art”
  • Coordinateur : Associazione Rosalda Gilardi Bernocco
  • Description / Objectifs : 3 days, during which will be organized an Art Ehibition with the local Artists, and It will be organized a « round table  » with the experts , like a representative of the
    Louvre Museum , the President of the Academy of Carrara , and many others , which will compete with the Artists and the audience . Where all the Artsists can explane about the themself experiences, showing all the new used techniques. More information here. 
  • Contact :


  • Projet :  ERASMUSport HEALTHY SPORT HEALTHY GENERATION : Transnational Youth Initiatives, Strategic Partnerships, Capacity Building
  • Coordinateur : Ardahan University, Turkey
  • Date du projet : from 2016-11-01 till 2018-11-01
  • Partenaire recherché : With this project,it is aimed to make trainers,BESYO students(College of Physical Education and Sports),trainers of amateur sport clubs,managers of sport clubs,doctors and institutions that provides service in the field of cardiology conscious of healthy sport.
  • Description / Objectifs : Aim of the project is to share information with those who work in the field of sports and students,trainers and doctors work in this field in the future. The project activities will be implemented into two main phases: a training course (autumn of 2016, Italy) and a practice tournament (spring 2017 – country to be defined).
  • Contact : Enez OZkan Demirci / 
  • Projet : Interreg Europe Programme which deals at developing the role of culture and heritage as driver of regional growth and job exploitation.
  • Coordinateur : Consorzio Punto Europa, a non profit entity governed by public law, hosting the EDIC of Teramo
  • Partenaire recherché : German and French Regional Managing Authorities of those Regions in which there are declined intervention measures on the TO 6 – IP 6c “Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage” in the respective ERDF ROPs.
  • Description / Objectifs : The project aims at improving the implementation of regional policies addressed to the governance and enhancement of the knowledge and use of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, creating services and / or systems of sustainable cultural tourism in rural areas and exploiting new approaches, instruments and the innovative use of advanced technologies. More information here.
  • Contact :  Mr Emiliano Galluccio at


  • Projet : P.E.A.C.E on Street Project (KA1 learning mobility)
  • Date du projet : between 26 August 2016 – 2 September 2016
  • Partenaire recherché : We need 7 participants and 1 leader. The age limit is 18 -30. There is no age limit for the leader. There will be 4 countries and 32 people including hosting country, Turkey.
  • Description / Objectifs : P.E.A.C.E on Street Project aims to create an awareness about « Violence on Street ». Main activities of the project will take place in 1 September 2016, which is also International Day of Peace. Activities will include dance, body percussion and visual arts workshops (photograph and video).
  • The project activities will be implemented into two main phases: a training course (autumn of 2016, Italy) and a practice tournament (spring 2017 – country to be defined).
  • Contact :

Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 04/05/2016
Mots clés : call for partners, erasmus+