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- Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°11 2016)
Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°11 2016)
Vous êtes une association, un établissement scolaire, une collectivité ? Voici une sélection d’organisations de différents pays européens qui recherchent des partenaires en région pour participer à des projets d’échanges…
- Projet : Erasmus+ Traineeship
- Coordinateur : Onnikoti, a social enterprise in Jamijarvi, in Finland
- Partenaire recherché : Educational institutes working wih Erasmus+
- Description / Objectifs : A social enterprise located in South West Finland can take some trainees wihin their structure. They offer the training possibility for kitchen worker, social sector worker, cleaner and nurse as well persons who are studying building construction and manutention of buildings. The website of the structure is only in Finnish www.onnikoti.com but the working language is in English.
- Contact : krista.antila@kankaanpaa.fi (EDIC Pohjois-Satakunta)
- Projet : Interreg Europe Programme a proposal project named EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR THE PROMOTION OF CYCLE TOURISM IN NATURAL AREAS – ECO – CYCLE, Priority Axis 4, Investment Priority C and Specific Objective 4.1 (Improve the Implementation of Regional Development Policies and Programmes).
- Coordinateur : Europa Directo, Huelva, hosted by “Diputación de Huelva”, the County Council of Huelva
- Date du projet : The total duration of the project will be 5 years, 3 the first phase and two the second.
- Partenaire recherché : Educational institutes working wih Erasmus+
- Description / Objectifs : The project will consist of two phases, the first dedicated to the exchange of experience among project partners and preparing the implementation of the lessons learnt from the cooperation (actions such as the creation of an European Network of Cooperation for the Promotion of Cycle Tourism in Natural Areas, the definition of a common methodology for the preparation of action plans and the production of actions plans by each partner) and a second phase, monitoring of the implementation of action plans with Pilot Actions.
- Contact : Margarita Domínguez Cordero, europadirecto@diphuelva.org
- Projet : STREETWISE, a Erasmus+ training programme connecting creativity to Young Global citizens.
- Coordinateur : CIT Crawford College of Art and Design’ Creativity and Change programme, Cork, Ireland
- Date du projet : 7th-15th April 2017. Applications before April 13.
Partenaire recherché : People from across Europe who work with young people under 30, youth workers, volunteers activists or artists who are interested in taking part in an intercultural,
experiential learning experience. - Description / Objectifs : A creative experiential training programme, exploring how creativity can
connect us with others, open our awareness and move us to action about the issues that concern us. - Contact : More information and how to apply in their website.
- Projet : Youth exchange, Erasmus+
- Coordinateur : Young people from Catalonia’s (Spain) youth center between the ages of 15 and 21 are looking for a partnership to participate in a youth exchange about topics of youth and social interest.
- Date du projet :between September 2016 and October 2016.
- Description / Objectifs : They would like to have the privilege to participate in the experience of an Erasmus+ so they can meet new cultures and other young people with their same worries and work them out. They especially would like to develop topics as social integration, communication, human rights, antidiscrimination and art as an expression and change tool for young people.
- Contact : Olga Vegas, PIDCES (Badiu Jove),ovegas@badalona.cat
- Projet : P.E.A.C.E on Street Project (KA1 learning mobility)
- Coordinateur : Oya association in Samsun – TURKEY
- Date du projet : 26 August 2016 – 2 September 2016. (7 days, travel excluded)
Partenaire recherché : We need 7 participants and 1 leader. The age limit is 18 -30. There is no age limit for the leader. There will be 4 countries and 32 people including hosting country, Turkey. - Description / Objectifs : P.E.A.C.E on Street Project aims to create an awareness about « Violence on Street ». Main activities of the project will take place in 1 September 2016, which is also International Day of Peace. Activities will include dance, body percussion and visual arts workshops (photograph and video).
- Contact : oyaturkey@gmail.com
Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 06/04/2016
Mots clés : appel à projets, erasmus+