Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°10 2016)

Recherche de partenaires / Call for Partners (N°10 2016)

  • Projet : Agorevo_EUROPE FOR CITIZENS STRAND 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
  • Coordinateur : United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.)
  • Date du projet : from 2016-08-01 till 2017-10-01
  • Description / Objectifs : A significant number of new issues are affecting today’s European society, changing unabatedly our perception of Europe. The recent Greek debt crisis and Paris attack have brought about a sense of mistrust, euroscepticism, political ineptitude, especially among young generations, and a general feeling of protection behind close borders. Agorevo project – Greek verb that comes from “Agora” and means to speak publicly – is meant as a public space where to debate on the future of Europe (priority 2.4) having a strong focus on topics such as economic crisis, immigration, civic participation, and new democratic ways of intercultural dialogue. Partner organisations will receive around 10.000 for the implementation of local workshops and dissemination activities.
  • Contact :


  • Projet : Intercultu(R)eality, Training course
  • Coordinateur : Associazione InformaGiovani, Parlermo, Italy
  • Date du projet : 8-16 May 2016
  • Partenaire recherché : Training Course will involve 9 association and one school from BG, LV, PT, EE, SK, MK, FR, ES, IT.
  • Description / Objectifs : The aim of the project is through synergy of media education and intercultural learning to fight against extremism and xenophobia and promote intercultural understanding. Intercultur(E)ality is a multi action project with the aim of fight against all kind of racisms, intolerance, extremism movements, through non formal education and media education. This project promotes also active tolerance and intercultural learning. Through the TC, this project wants to empower youth workers with competencies for designing activity on intercultural learning and media education based on NFE at local and international level.
  • Contact : More information and application form at their website 


  • Projet : Homemade, Youth Exchange
  • Coordinateur : United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.)
  • Date du projet : from 2016-08-01 till 2017-10-01
  • Partenaire recherché : we are looking for a reliable and active partners who wish build this project with us.
  • Description / Objectifs : A youth exchange to discover the culture and also to share our knowledge to create so many stuff. At the end of our exchange we will be hosting over 200 children on the theme of homemade.
    we would like to create an homemade exchange to learn how to do: for exemple: jam, pottery, basketry, …
    A lot of different workshops will be presented
  • Contact :


  • Projet : Erasmus + KA2 project in Ahlat/ Bitlis,  TURKEY
  • Coordinateur : Coala association, Botassar (south of Belgium)
  • Date du projet : from 1 to 9 September 2016
  • Partenaire recherché : We need school partners from whichever country which are good at using various and useful materials in teaching English, using technology in teaching English and need to be improve its teachers’ capacity.
  • Description / Objectifs : We want to reflect, share best practice, techniques, values on our way to do it by yourself We are looking for 4 partners working in the same field, with 4 young people aged between 18 and 25 years and 1 leader.
    We have a lot of experience and a visitor center with everything needed for the organization of this event.
  • Contact :

Vous êtes travailleur de jeunesse, salarié ou bénévole et voulez gagner une expérience à l’international et acquérir des nouvelles compétences linguistiques, interculturelles et professionnelles ? Le réseau Salto-Youth récapitule pour vous les opportunités pour participer à des séminaires de contact et formations dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ ainsi que un moteur de recherche de partenaires pour vos projets européens.

Rédacteur : CRIJ - Eva P.
Date création : 29/02/2016
Mots clés : appel à projets, erasmus+